Monday, July 8, 2013

Amanda had her two year remission date, and I didn't even notice until a few days later.  I never anticipated we could move on with our life and actually forget for a moment about cancer!  Amanda is doing so well. Fatigue, headaches, joint pain, and social adjustments are lingering, but hey, doesn't that describe most of us anyway?  She's turning into a beautiful young woman and brings a smile to the faces in our home every day.  I'm in awe with how blessed we are to have her a part of our life.

 I just read a quote by Richard G. Scott, "Some people are like rocks thrown into a sea of problems.  They are drowned by them.  Be a cork. When submerged in a problem, fight to be free to bob up."   Cancer is a rock - there is no way around it.  There is no way to avoid being submerged.  But there is a way to avoid getting stuck.  Eventually you can bob up again!   Our family has.  It takes time, prayer, and a lot of patience.  But it is obtainable!

I thought I'd close this blog after Make a Wish.  But we are not done with our journey yet.  Once Amanda has hit her 5 year remission she will be "cured."  Every story has an ending - we're not to ours just yet...